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Akbar Birbal Story - Part 44

Once Emperor Akbar fooled Birbal by placing an apple in a tricky way. When Birbal went to touch the apple out of courosity, Akbar caught him red handed and said he was placed this to catch a thief who has been stealing from the palace. Then Akbar used that incident every time he met Birbal by asking him how was the apple.

Frustrated by this, one day Birbal decided to sort this matter for good. When next time Akbar went to hun alone in the jungle, Birbal doned a mask and new attire of a forest god and scared Akbar. Terrified, Akbar followed his instruction when he ask Akbar to run towards a big tree screaming “like the forest god”. 
Next day when Akbar tried to tease Birbal, he replied that the apple was like the forest god. Akbar never ever brought the topic up again.
